新品未開封プレデター PREDATOR サウンドトラック Alan Silvestri 20曲 CDアラン・シルヴェストリ01. Fox Logo (Alfred Newman/Arranged by Elliot Goldenthal 1992) 0:2602. Main Title 3:5203. Something Else/Cut 'Em Down/Payback Time 7:3704. The Truck 4:2305. Jungle Trek 1:4806. Girl's Escape 5:5907. Blain's Death 0:4708. What Happened? 2:0109. He's My Friend 1:2610. We're Gonna Die 3:2911. Building The Trap 3:0612. The Waiting 3:2713. Can You See Him? 4:5214. Dillon's Death 2:0515. Billy And Predator 2:3616. Dutch Builds Trap 9:2917. Predator Injured 4:1518. Hand To Hand Combat 3:1019. Predator's Death 3:4320. The Aftermath/The Pick-Up And End Credits 7:01 TotalTime 76分05秒#AlanSilvestri#アランシルヴェストリ#プレデター#PREDATOR#サウンドトラック#Soundtrack#サントラ#CD